Monday, 2 April 2018

what is a hashtag(#) in social media?

A hashtag is the pound sign. The sharp note in musical notation. A tic tac toe board. This: #

When it comes to social media, the hashtag is used to draw attention, to organize, and to promote. 
Hashtags got their start in Twitter as a way of making it easier for people to find, follow, and contribute to a conversation. Archeologists have unearthed this early tweet, and believe it to be the first time the hashtag was used for this purpose.
Hashtags helps you get found by your target audience, improve your clickthrough rate, they become link to search queries, used for humor
The dangers of hastag(#)
Hashtags have been known to get some brands into trouble.
Look before you leap. It’s a common tactic to use trending hashtags to gain visibility in social media. 
Recently, DiGiorno Pizza jumped on the hashtag #WhyIStayed, not realizing that it was being used to discuss domestic abuse. 
While they did a good job of apologizing profusely, there’s no denying damage was done to their brand. That’s just one of hundreds of examples of brands not looking before they leap when it comes to trending topics.
Going too broad with hashtags. While a broad hashtag may seem like casting a wide net, chances are broad terms will either not be searched on, or your tweet will be lost in the shuffle. 

note for viewers(friends): you can ask me any question in comment section feel free to comment 
quote of the day: who needs april fools when your whole life is a joke! :)


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