Tuesday, 3 April 2018

What does the symbol TM,symbol SM,symbol ® means?

Image result for TrademarkThe symbol TM is used to provide notice of a claim of common-law rights in a trademark. A TM usually is used in connection with an unregistered mark, to inform potential infringers that a term, slogan, logo or other indicator is being claimed as a trademark. Use of the TM symbol does not guarantee that the owner’s mark will be protected under trademark laws. The owner may continue to use TM should registration of the mark be refused.

Image result for Trademark SMThe symbol SM functions similarly to the symbol TM, in that it is used to provide notice of a claim of common-law rights in a mark; however, it is used in connection with a service mark, covering services, such as banking or legal services, rather than tangible goods. Use of the SM symbol does not guarantee that the owner’s mark will be protected under trademark laws.

Related imageThe symbol ® is a notice of registered ownership used in many countries or regions to advise the public that a trademark or service mark is registered and to provide constructive notice of the legal ownership status of the mark with which it is used. The ® symbol should be used only in connection with registered trademarks or service marks. In the United States, use of ® may be instituted only after registration of the mark is granted. Use of ® with an unregistered mark may result in claims of fraud where the owner demonstrates intent, knowing and willful misuse, and attempts to deceive or mislead consumers, or in other difficulties for the owner in trying to obtain and/or enforce its trademark rights.


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